Sunday, May 17, 2009

Short Story #5- Unedited

Wedding “Cake”tastrophe

“Is it here yet!” It better some soon or I am going to have to hurt someone.  Everything has to be perfect for just one day, that’s all I ask.  I have not spent months planning a disaster, I have been planning the supposed best day of my life.  Some may consider me to be a little high-strung, but what else do they expect?  I highly doubt anyone is quite peachy with this kind of stress on them.  With everything going on I forgot to call the bakery to confirm the pickup time of my four hundred dollar desert, and that resulted in them forgetting to make it.  They assured me that they will have it done on time, but they decided that one of their staff members will bring it to me for my inconvenience.  I had no choice but to consent with the offer, so now I have to deal with waiting for it to arrive.

“No sis, it isn’t here yet just be patient.”  My older sister answered for the tenth time.  As she rounded the corner to my room she sarcastically commented, “You look so gorgeous and worrying will give you wrinkles so leave the cake problem up to me.  Lord knows I have enough wrinkles so one more will just blend right in.” Her laughter filled the room, and along with it calmed my nerves slightly.  

Deciding to focus on my makeup got my mind off everything else.  I could only hear muffles and see blurs around me.  The knock on the door snapped me back, and I turned around to face my fiancee.

“It’s bad luck to see the bride!” I shouted at him with laughter behind my voice.

“It only counts if you are wearing your dress, and I hope you’re not planning to walk down the isle in the sweatpants you are wearing, thus making me safe from all superstition.” 

Seeing him make me realize why I am putting up with this whole situation in the first place.  I love him so much and he deserves at least a decent wedding.  He embraced me in his arms and kissed me erasing all doubt that could possibly enter my mind about him.  One thing I can take off my list on things to worry about is him standing me up at the alter.

The second knock on the door was less shocking but more startling as I saw my mother in the doorway.  She walked in the room and separated him from me as she stated, “It’s bad luck to see the bride.”  

He departed from the room laughing at his fate for that I am just like my mother.  He has a lot coming because it is known that the women in the family become more cynical with age.

As tradition, my mother gave me one of her life lesson speeches after she informed me that the cake finally arrived.  I was too eager to see my three-tiered piece of heaven to actually listen to her words.  Once she got up to leave I rushed by her to go into the kitchen.  The masterpiece exceeded my expectations, an now that I see it I can go upstairs and get ready for it is almost time.

It only took me two hours to complete my hair and makeup, and a few minutes to put on the dress.  My sister-in-law was helping me with the many layers of poof as I noticed my sister was not here, and assumed she was getting Danny ready for he is my ring-barer.  

The little hellion is always causing trouble so my gracious sister put him down for a nap while the rest of us got ready.  She told me that she was going to wait to the last minute possible to wake him up because he has the chance to ruin everything in the house.  

I need to find my sister to borrow her earrings, because yet again I am caught up in old superstitions, and I know that since we are leaving in fifteen minutes for the church she would be with her tenacious child.  

Walking towards the living room I heard a lot of strange commotion, everyone is talking in hushed voices of panic; this is not a good sign.  Picking up my speed I go through everything that could have possibly gone wrong.  The voices led me to the door in the living room that enters the kitchen; they all turned to stare at me.  Despite the four inch heels that I was wearing I ran to the door and saw what happened. Half of my precious cake was on the floor and it looked like someone ate the parts  on the top.  Tears filled my eyes; this cannot be happening.  I look around for an explanation, and I only could see Danny in the corner with cake covering his freshly pressed tux.  

My temper boiled over and I started screaming at the kid, and if Amy, my sister-in-law, did not grasp my arm I would have smacked my nephew.  She spun me around and guided me towards the couch while trying to calm me.  My screaming scared the boy so much that he ran for it. 

All of a sudden he was a blur in my vision; he was heading towards the open front door.  The entire party ran after him shouting his name so he would not run into the speeding traffic on the constantly busy road; however, he was too quick.  I got to the doorway just in time to see the late limo whip into the driveway and knock Danny to the ground.  

Screams and cries filled the air as everyone continued to chase after the now unconscious child.  I had to do something; this was all my fault.  My heart fell as I frantically ran to find my sister.  

Everything about the cake left my mind until I found her in the closet.  She tilted her head up and saw me with tears streaming down my burning cheeks.  I looked at her bulging eyes, and then at her dress.  Her entire body was covered in white frosting.

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