I. Pride:
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Why you do it
Everyone has been taught to “believe in yourself” but few mention that you need to also “believe in others.” Vanity is seen everyday mostly due to people thinking they are above everyone, and life is centered around them.
You will be broken on the wheel.
Associated symbols
Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet.
Virtue: Humility
II. Sloth
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Why you do it
Laziness is found among everyone, but those who are slothful go out of their way to not do anything simply because they have the lack of ambition and encouragement to complete a task.
You will be thrown into snake pits.
Associated symbols & suchlike
Sloth is linked with the goat and the color light blue.
Virtue: Diligence

III. Lust
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Why you do it
Oh, please.
You will be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses.
Associated symbols
Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.
Virtue: Chastity
IV. Envy Definition Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Why you do it People have a hard time dealing with who they are, and want to be someone else. Acceptance is hard to grasp, thus envy is turned towards as the solution. Punishment You will be put in freezing water. Associated symbols Envy is linked with the dog and the color green. Virtue: Kindness
V. Greed
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Why you do it
Many believe that they should have whatever someone else has, thus they take it upon themselves the horde anything in sight. The possibility of someone having more than yourself is seen as unfair in the eyes of the avaricious people, and use petty crimes to balance the world. However, many do not see that work is involved with success, thus they only look for the easy way out.
You will be boiled alive in oil. Bear in mind that it's the finest, most luxurious boiling oil that money can buy, but it's still boiling.
Associated symbols
Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow.
Virtue: Charity
VI. Gluttony
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Why you do it
Many gorge themselves in food to repress emotions, thus becoming a glutton. Others take more than what they need just because they are given that option. This selfish act is considered greed, however gluttony is more often associated with food when in reality it can be anything.
You will be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Associated symbols
Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange.
Virtue: Temperance

V. Wrath
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.
Why you do it
Bottled up emotions often explode through violence and anger due to the lack of dealing with situations. Many cannot distinguish their problems and find the solution of dismissing them all by physical releases and irrational ways.
You will be dismembered alive.
Associated symbols
Anger is linked with the bear and the color red.
Virtue: Patience
love it wow